The best suggestion I can offer you is that you should look into the folks
who are doing this type of setup in the DSL world.
Centrally authenticating / servicing 1000 to 100,000 subs is not un-common
in the wireline world.

Redback SMS500 or SMS1000/SMS1800 would easily terminate 1000 subs.

You could use L2TP Tunnels across the network for the Edge Routers to the
Core/Central PPPoE Server to accomplish what you are looking to do.
Redundancy is normally achieved with the use a combination dynamic routing
(BGP / OSPF) and using L2TP.

Faisal Imtiaz
Computer Office Solutions Inc. /
Ph: (305) 663-5518 x 232
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Nick Huanca
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 3:49 PM
Subject: [WISPA] Authentication Methods

Hi all,

I currently am working on a project to develop a sustainable, manufacturer
agnostic, easy to maintain and provision authentication system for our ISP.
We have a mix of access points from Alvarion, Trango, MikroTik, Canopy, and
others. We're currently running a distributed PPPoE model with MikroTik
PPPoE concentrators. We're concerned about MikroTik's longevity, reliability
and support as we move towards a more centralized PPPoE model where all our
sessions terminate at a CO. We're looking to migrate over 1,000 customers,
currently across 15 or so concentrators, to one single concentrator with
either load balancing or redundancy. We're also trying to keep our decisions
based around a future IPv6 implementation.

My question is if anyone has had any experience in deploying large scale
PPPoE with a centralized methodology. I have investigated the Open Source
options such as rp-pppoe and others but have found that they don't offer any
load-balancing or redundancy options, which are important considerations
when moving to a centralized model. These packages also don't offer any type
of integrated rate-limiting or burst-limiting based on RADIUS. Does anyone
have any experience with other types of centralized authentication for
customers that support IPv6 and include integration of

I have reached out to a Cisco integrator, ImageStream, Fine Point
Technologies (, and some others to
find solutions.

Thanks in advance,

Nick Huanca

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