Well, for starters, it is NOT MikroTik. That alone is worth more than a Visa commercial
From: Travis Johnson Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 10:07 PM To: WISPA General List Subject: Re: [WISPA] FreeBSD hackers.... Needed for WISP related product... I think everything you have described can be done now with Mikrotik.... routing, firewall, routing daemons, scripting, etc. also being able to use $50 boards up to $1,000 X86 based systems moving gigabits of traffic. All with standard parts. So what would this FreeBSD system bring to the table that can't be done already? Travis Microserv MDK wrote: Actually, it's far better than cost-effective. It's flexible, in both hardware and capabilities. Firewall, routing, routing daemons, and other things. Frankly, I find the physical aspects of the Airmax stuff frustratingly limited. I've grown fond of my immense ability to do creative stuff with Star-OS and a wide array of physical forms - especially since much of my network relies on low power consumption. AirMax, deployed as an AP and clients... seems ok. But that's only a small part of a good network. -------------------------------------------------- From: "Jayson Baker" <jay...@spectrasurf.com> Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 8:51 PM To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org> Subject: Re: [WISPA] FreeBSD hackers.... Needed for WISP related product... Availability is supposedly resolved. We'll see. Routing... there is a full SDK. You can do anything you want on those things. The new ones have 400+MHz proc's, plenty to do some routing/firewalling. I just can't see a home grown solution like you're proposing being cost-effective. We spent about 2 months on a project just like this, and started to have some pretty awesome performance and results. Then UBNT stuff came out. On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 9:39 PM, MDK <rea...@muddyfrogwater.us> wrote: Given UBNT's record of unavailability of product, and the inability to route via the interface, I vastly prefer this to UBNT's products. Now, mind you, I'm not really putting them down, but this is an excellent infrastructure tool... Routing and other capabilities that vastly exceed some better known... -------------------------------------------------- From: "Jayson Baker" <jay...@spectrasurf.com> Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 8:25 PM To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org> Subject: Re: [WISPA] FreeBSD hackers.... Needed for WISP related product... Is there really much need for this, given the new AirMax product line? I'm just saying... On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 9:19 PM, MDK <rea...@muddyfrogwater.us> wrote: What would you call a totally proprietary, TDMA based protocol, without ACK or CSMA? Doesn't look a whole lot like 802.11x, but if you wish to say it is, then, for you it is :) -------------------------------------------------- From: "Travis Johnson" <t...@ida.net> Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 7:36 PM To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org> Subject: Re: [WISPA] FreeBSD hackers.... Needed for WISP related product... If you are using Atheros based hardware, it's still 802.11... regardless of what software you put on top of it. Travis Microserv MDK wrote: If you're a WISP and have interest in using commodity - off the shelf - Atheros based hardware to achieve higher than ethernet speeds over wireless... This is not a tweak of 802.11, it is a completely different mode... There is currently an opportunity to do so, where most of the work has been done by various others in the FreeBSd community, but it is not integrated or packaged as a useful WISP product, and that's what needs to be done. This does not need to result in an open source release, due to the relaxed BSD license. Or, it can. But I'm looking for some people who have experience with freebsd, and have an interest in integrating what could be an awesome performing product using inexpensive commodity hardware. email me at pda at neofast dot net or mark at neofast dot net -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISPA Wants You! Join today! http://signup.wispa.org/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org Subscribe/Unsubscribe: http://lists.wispa.org/mailman/listinfo/wireless Archives: http://lists.wispa.org/pipermail/wireless/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISPA Wants You! 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