Yep.  Right now I can check, uncheck..........  All the same.  Still passes
through.  They should default it to pass through and forget about it.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Greg Ihnen
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 6:57 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] UBNT Nano5M Secondary RJ45 Port PoE Burnout!

I just upgraded my units to 5.2.1. In the GUI the passthrough checkbox is
unchecked even though it's passing through. I checked the box, applied, and
it's still unchecked but passing through.

On the forum someone told me to reset the unit, reflash the firmware, and
reset it again. I'm going to do that later.


On Sep 26, 2010, at 5:24 PM, Robert West wrote:

> Same browser as when  I configured it and I can still turn the secondary
ether PoE on and off on other Nano5Ms.  
> Am running 5.2.1, yeah, even downgraded.  Posts on UBNT forums are
building on this issue.  After 20 days or so it will burn out.
> Here is what I came up with after I took it down.  This is part of my post
to the forums....
> ................. I had an AirGrid set on a 15 foot mast out at the road
for a customer because of trees. Ran an underground line of double shielded,
flooded Cat5, direct bury, with ground wire. Everything grounded and working
fine. His neighbor wanted service so I swapped the grid out with a Nano5M,
plugged a Nano Loco into the secondary ether pointing to another nano in the
neighbors window. Ran just fine for almost a month THEN crazy issues.
Neighbor lost connection but the customer hard wired into the Nano5m was
just fine. Thought it might be a bad crimp on the jumper, replaced it, it
fired up. Was a mess ever since. Power on, off, on, off. 
> Then I saw the PoE Pass-through checkbox empty. Checked it, applied, box
again empty. Couldn't get it to stick. Did a truck roll, power to NanoL
> Took the Nano5M down and brought to the shop. Bench tested. No secondary
power, no check in the box. Diud a hard reset. Still nothing. Downgraded
firmware, another hard reset. Secondary Port now ON! BUT......... Checkbox
still empty. 
> Checked the box, applied. Check still in the box. Remove check, apply,
check gone, BUT power still on at the secondary port! I can not turn off the
power to the secondary power! Upgraded firmware.... Hard reset. Still on no
matter is box is checked or not. 
> Now for the REST of the story and my guess on this......
> The cable run to the pole is 100 feet. I used the 15V UBNT power injector
that came with the Nano5M. After the install I checked the operation and all
was as smooth as silk. Quick booting, fast throughput on both units.
> When I took the unit down and got it operating I was also using a 15v UBNT
power injector however my cable length on the bench was only 8 feet. I
watched the lights on the nano and also watched how long UBNT Discovery
utility took to pick it up. Long. It looked like it was struggling to
connect to the wired lan. After it came up I plugged a bullet into the
secondary port and power cycled it all. Long struggle to connect to the
wired lan. Sometimes Discovery would see it, sometimes not. 
> So.......... Pulled out an OLD 3Com 24V 3A power injector and plugged the
setup into it. Fired up FAST! Fired up every time and would not fail. Still
unable to turn off the power to the secondary port so I reinstalled the unit
at the customer site but with the 24V 3A power injector. It's been running
almost 24 hours now and I'm able to talk to everything connected to it
remotely and all pings are perfect.
> My guess...... It was under powered. It may have not had enough power to
keep the secondary port powered, damaged the switching circuit and is now
stuck giving power to the secondary port with no way of turning it off.
Possible constant fluttering of the circuit on and off burned it out.
> With it being stuck on, it's good for now. I wouldn't mind not having an
option to turn off the Poe, it can always be on as far as I'm concerned. Or
if nothing else, have it default to on in case of a failure of the switching
> Bob-
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] 
> On Behalf Of Faisal Imtiaz
> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 10:30 AM
> To: WISPA General List
> Cc: WISPA General List
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] UBNT Nano5M Secondary RJ45 Port PoE Burnout!
> Two quick points,  I have seen something like this due to browser.....what
browser are u using....did you try a different browser.
> Also, 5.2.1 full has been released...try that as well...
> Faisal
> On Sep 26, 2010, at 12:36 AM, Greg Ihnen <> wrote:
>> I had some trouble with an NS5M running 5.2.1 RC2.
>> Short version:
>> I had some weirdness tonight. I was looking at network traffic with
Wireshark and noticed "CDP - Cisco Discovery Protocol" (UBNT calls it "extra
reporting") traffic coming from one of the NS5M's on my back haul. I had
turned that off. I browsed into the unit in question and sure enough enable
extra reporting was checked again! I unchecked the "enable extra reporting"
box and apply the settings many times and it kept coming back checked. It
was a long process to get the settings how I wanted but I finally got
everything the way I wanted it, though no matter what I do the "POE
passthrough" box remains unchecked even though I checked it and applied the
settings many times. It is passing POE so I'm just disregarding the checkbox
and hoping it's just a glitch in the UI.
>> Long version:
>> I took notes through this process for my own reference and to make sure I
could tell the story accurately to UBNT.
>> (Through the process below I tired various browsers to make sure the 
>> problem wasn't due to some fluke in one of the browsers)
>> Using Wireshark I noticed extended reporting coming from an NS5M which is
running Station WDS (one end of a back haul), firmware is 5.2.1 RC2.
>> In NS5M web interface I turned off extended reporting.
>> Hit "change" then "test" but after unit rebooted it wasn't showing itself
to be in the test mode (and the associated count down to restore settings
was not showing) and extended reporting checkbox was back on.
>> Unchecked extended reporting (again) and clicked apply this time instead
of test.
>> Unit went off line and the BulletM2 (my point of access) on the 
>> NS5M's secondary port never came back up. (I was accessing the NS5M
through the BulletM2 at this point) Had to power cycle NS5M to revive the
NS5M/BulletM2 combo.
>> Came back up with extra reporting checkbox checked.
>> Downgraded to 5.2.
>> The combo came back up for a minute, then dropped off line again, then
came back up and stayed up. Extra reporting checkbox still checked.
>> Decided to try changing another setting. I picked the "lock to AP MAC"
and put in the MAC address of the other end of the back haul. Hit test, the
unit rebooted and came back with the "log to AP MAC" field blank.
>> Downgraded to 5.0.1, then upgraded back up to 5.2.1
>> Connected via ethernet and reset to defaults.
>> Start programming the unit. Manually set ack timing. Setting stuck.
>> Turned on pass through, after reboot checkbox was unchecked. Tried it
again, again the box is unchecked after the unit reboots.
>> Restored to defaults again.
>> Tried disabling extra reporting and turning off ack timeout auto adjust
and turning on POE passthrough all at the same time. None of the settings
stuck (according to the web interface but the Bullet M2 on the secondary
port was up.
>> Set the necessary changes on the wireless and network tabs. All settings
stuck without a hitch.
>> Returned to Advanced and set POE ack timeout auto adjust off and disabled
extra reporting off (without changing POE passthrough - it was unchecked but
passing through) and those settings stuck. The unit's behavior is as I want
it.  I was even able to lock the unit to the AP's MAC address. The only
discrepancy is the POE passthrough is unchecked even though it's passing
through (as I want it to).
>> I'm thinking about TFTP'ing in the 5.2.1 RC2 firmware since it sounds
like TFTP'ing the firmware in rewrites/partitions more of the unit's memory
than upgrading the firmware via the web interface.
>> I'll post this to the UBNT forum tomorrow.
>> Greg
>> On Sep 25, 2010, at 11:08 PM, Robert West wrote:
>>> Nope.  No dice.  Played with it after I took it down.  Did a hard reset
then.............  PoE is always on no matter what the checkbox says.
Before reset, PoE did not work no matter which port power was put into.
>>> Downgraded, upgraded, just can't turn that sucker off.  Maybe I need to
show it a picture of my first wife..............!
>>> Bob-
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: []
>>> On Behalf Of Philip Dorr
>>> Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010 9:38 AM
>>> To: WISPA General List
>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] UBNT Nano5M Secondary RJ45 Port PoE Burnout!
>>> input power in the "secondary" port and use the "main" port to power 
>>> the second radio
>>> On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 8:39 PM, Robert West
<> wrote:
>>>> Eh?  What ya mean???
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: 
>>>> []
>>>> On Behalf Of Philip Dorr
>>>> Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 9:14 PM
>>>> To: WISPA General List
>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] UBNT Nano5M Secondary RJ45 Port PoE Burnout!
>>>> It works perfectly fine if you power through the secondary port.
>>>> On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 8:05 PM, RickG <> wrote:
>>>>> I was skeptical of the poe passthrough sicne I first saw it and this
is why.
>>>>> On repeaters, it would be so tempting to just run one wire but 
>>>>> I've stuck with two. It will be interesting to see if it gets fixed.
>>>>> Thanks for sharing!
>>>>> On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 8:50 PM, Robert West 
>>>>> <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Today I finally figured out an Issue I've been having with a 
>>>>>> NanoStation5M.  I have a customer who wanted service,  was in 
>>>>>> trees but had a hot signal out at the road.  Dug a 4 foot hole, 
>>>>>> put in 2
>>>>>> 10 foot sections of rigid conduit and 5 bags of concrete.  Ran an 
>>>>>> underground line of Cat5e, double shielded and flooded cable with 
>>>>>> ground wire to his house.  That was 5 months or so ago.  At the 
>>>>>> beginning of August, he called me and said his neighbor wanted 
>>>>>> service.  Same trees so I took the AirGrid down, put up a Nano5M 
>>>>>> and plugged a Nano loco2 into the secondary port and shot it at a 
>>>>>> second Nano Loco2 at his place.  Replaced my weird Airgrid
>>>>>> Worked perfectly, everyone happy.  2 weeks ago I get a call, 
>>>>>> neighbor not working.  I go out, no power light on the Nano at 
>>>>>> the pole.  I figure, bad crimp...  Take it down, make up a new wire
to connect the two, fires up.
>>>>>> All good.  2 days later, same issue.  I reset it all to defaults, 
>>>>>> reconfigure, all okay.  2 days later, same thing.  I downgrade 
>>>>>> firmware to 5.2.  Couple of days later, no signal again.  I'll 
>>>>>> also add I was getting some "weird"  lag at the AP that this 
>>>>>> setup was feeding off of.  So I was fighting two battles.  Then 
>>>>>> today, I find that the PoE Pass Through check box is empty.  DUH!  
>>>>>> I check it, apply, comes back empty.  I do it again, same issue.  
>>>>>> I go out and I can connect my laptop through the secondary port but
it will not give any voltage.
>>>>>> I checked my lag time issue at the AP.  GONE!
>>>>>> I then checked in the UBNT forums.....  It's an issue.  After 20 
>>>>>> days PoE on the secondary Nano port starts to die.  Replaced it 
>>>>>> with another Nano5M, working fine but looks like I'll be coming 
>>>>>> up with another MacGyver solution to service this dude....
>>>>>> Just so ya knows.
>>>>>> Bob-
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