It was a win because the FCC did not decide to go after title-II 

Taking authority under Title I will only allow limited authority in my opinion, 
and their authority and decissions could be challenged in court. 
Considering that many believe that titleI does not give the authority. So 
likely FCC would take a more conservative appproach, while wallking the thin 
line between what they can do and not do without pissing someone off to go to 

Tom DeReggi
RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: MDK 
  To: WISPA General List 
  Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 7:30 PM
  Subject: Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

  No, we LOST.   You see, once they have the power, they have the power.    It 
is not a victory to be partially regulated, or to get "partial exemption".  

  I cannot imagine why industry is rolling over and playing dead for this.   

  As far as I'm concerned it's "come and arrest me, coppers" and I will damn 
well NOT comply.   

  And if we all did that.  They'd just give up.   But we're too chicken to 
stand up for ourselves, as a country, anymore, apparently.   I don't know when 
people forgot that according to the Constitution, we tell the government what 
to do and where to get off, not the other way around.   

  Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
  541-969-8200  509-386-4589

  From: Joe Fiero 
  Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 2:12 PM
  To: 'WISPA General List' 
  Subject: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

  It's good to see all our efforts pay off.




  REUTERS  updated 2 minutes ago 2010-12-20T21:45:55 

  WASHINGTON - The Federal Communications Commission is expected to adopt 
Internet traffic rules on Tuesday that would ban the blocking of lawful 
content, but allow high-speed Internet providers to manage their networks, 
senior agency officials said Monday. 

  Commissioners Michael Copps and Mignon Clyburn had expressed concerns with 
the proposal laid out by FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski early this month, but 
senior FCC officials said they had come to an agreement and are expected to 
vote in favor of the rules. 

  Genachowski proposed banning the blocking of lawful traffic but allowing 
Internet providers to manage network congestion and charge consumers based on 
Internet usage.

  The rules would be more flexible for wireless broadband, Genachowski said in 
a previous speech, acknowledging that wireless is at an earlier stage of 
development than terrestrial Internet service.





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