It is more than just usage. Bandwidth is now less than 12% of my monthly operating expense. There is customer service, support infrastructure, tower leases, office lease, billing expense, taxes, regulatory expense, insurance.

Even if they are under average on usage, don't call tech support and pay their bill on time, it is still costing you money in potential lost revenue. If you acknowledge and allow this they will tell people and the practice will spread.

The only way I would ever allow this would be if the customer paid by the bit, not tiered service, but literally by the bit otherwise they are taking money out of your pocket.

On 10/31/11 12:23 PM, Dorn Hetzel wrote:
If the combined usage of the two households is well above average, It makes sense to take some kind of action.

But, if the combined usage of the two households is in the lower 50%, and as long as you never hear from the non-customer household, and there aren't any problems you have to fix because of the second household, maybe it doesn't make sense to alienate a paying customer.

Yes, they are violating your TOS, but perhaps they didn't really READ them, just skipped to the bottom and signed,
like most of us have done some time or another (especially with software).

If there usage could be mistaken for a single household, are the costs to service them really higher? Would servicing the second household with a second distant link be better for everyone, or is the solution they have in place now reasonable?

If the usage is higher, maybe offer them a rate that takes that into account but is still a better deal
than each buying along and you having to install another link?

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 12:56 PM, Matt < <>> wrote:

    What do you do when you find out that a customer is using a wireless
    router to share Internet with neighbor and splitting the bill?  I am
    sure there are quite a few doing this but when they out right tell you
    about it when on a tech call is rare.  It is against our TOS.

    What do others do?

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