On Fri, 2012-10-19 at 15:50 -0500, Mike Hammett wrote:
> What we're (well, I am anyway) saying is that the way 
> the WISP industry does it...  is sub-optimal. 

The way YOU are doing it may be sub-optimal.  It is not an industry wide
problem.  There are ways to accomplish what you want.

> The customer should be able to supply whatever device they want, be 
> handed up to a configured maximum number of public IP addresses (specified 
> per account), but the CPE has managed all account authorization. 

You are missing a key component here.  It is NEVER the CPE that manages
anything.  Even in the cable world.  It is the NETWORK that manages the

> The customer should still be permitted to pass 1500 byte packets. The 
> customer shouldn't have any configuration on their behalf. You know...  
> how cable does it.

Your presumptions and statements tell me you really don't understand
what happens in a DOCSIS environment.  

* Butch Evans                * Professional Network Consultation   *
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