Why don't you use PMP450 in 5ghz?

Gino A. Villarini
Aeronet Wireless Broadband Corp.

From: Daniel Mullen <wi...@metrocom.ca<mailto:wi...@metrocom.ca>>
Reply-To: WISPA General List <wireless@wispa.org<mailto:wireless@wispa.org>>
Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 6:22 PM
To: WISPA General List <wireless@wispa.org<mailto:wireless@wispa.org>>
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Recommendations for Ubiquiti 3.65 site

If this helps:

We are in Canada - spectrum license time: one week. Effort: one page letter.

There are three 900 MHz Canopy sectors and an omni serving at least 24 
customers who are now on 2.4 GHz Canopy.

Currently the backhaul is on 5 GHz but this will need to change to support a 
~300 Mbps link.

The site is on a hill with a 96' tower overlooking the coast, with all of the 
30 or so 2.4 GHz customers being inside of 1000 yards, and perhaps a few more 
up to 2000 yards away.

My plan was to put up two Titanium base stations, each with a 90° antenna of 
unknown source as of yet, and to put up to 24 customers on each sector to offer 
an upgrade to either 5 Mbps or 10 Mbps connections. These are existing 
customers, so it would be free radio rental and free installation in return for 
24 month contracts.

I would be more than willing to deploy something like the PMP450 or Runcom LTE 
stuff, but we need to do this in the next couple of weeks.


At 18:20 31.07.2013, you wrote:
Use NSM365 with a dish on all but the shortest links.

Keep distances short, 4 miles or less.

AMQ above 80%

TX CCQ above 75%

RX level or -70 or better

AMQ, TX CCQ, & RX level must ALL be at or above those values.

Keep SM counts below 45 or so.

Use KP Performance antennas or Ubiquiti antennas with RF Armor shields.

Once the above is done, start saving money for the upcoming 3.65 PMP450 (don't 
hold your breath though) and replace the Ubiquiti gear when it becomes 

On Jul 31, 2013, at 9:01 AM, < 
daniel.mul...@metrocom.ca<mailto:daniel.mul...@metrocom.ca>> < 
daniel.mul...@metrocom.ca<mailto:daniel.mul...@metrocom.ca>> wrote:

We are putting up a 3.65 GHz system next week to take existing customers off of 
an existing Canopy 2.4GHz system.

Is there anyone who has deployed the 3 Ghz gear from Ubnt and could recommend 
which model of CPE and if there anything to know to avoid a steep 'learning 
curve' since we have never deployed anything from Ubiquiti until now.

Suggestions as to the best prices are most welcome too!


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