Makes me think of the *MASH* episode where they went around singing....

"Havin' a heat wave, tropical heat wave...."

On 12/03/2013 12:09 PM, Sam wrote:
> It actually *was* fun. The worst part about winters in Alaska (the
> interior of Alaska that is) isn't so much the cold - there's rarely any
> wind. You can don a parka, mukluks, and gauntlet gloves (think mittens
> on steroids), move around a little bit, and stay warm. But the lack of
> daylight is a real pain in the posterior. It's the darkest dark you can
> imagine, and like the cold, it's relentless.
> I did have pictures, but I think the wife took them when she upgraded to
> husband 2.0. I can ask her about them though - it was funny seeing a
> bunch of us out in the snow in summer clothes, barbequing our franks....
> (And you're welcome. It was an honor.)
> On 12/3/2013 14:02, Clay Stewart wrote:
>> Sounds like fun, and thank you for your service! Got pics?
>> On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Sam <
>> <>> wrote:
>>      I was in the military, stationed in Fairbanks (30 miles south of
>>      Fairbanks actually) for four years. There was a spell during the winter
>>      of 1988/1989 where we went something like six weeks with the temperature
>>      never climbing above -40F. (Fun fact: Five of the top ten lowest
>>      temperatures ever recorded in Alaska happened in January 1989.) We lived
>>      on-base so didn't have to deal with propane or LP gas. But I don't
>>      recall any of my friends living off-base having a problem with it.
>>      That's not to say it didn't happen.
>>      A side note...
>>      I remember one day after that spell of cold weather when a Chinook wind
>>      blew up from the Gulf of Alaska. The temperature warmed clear up to 0F!
>>      We were all outside in shorts and short sleeve shirts firing up the BBQ
>>      grills. Yeah, it was cold, but it was 50F to 60F degrees warmer than
>>      what we had gotten used to. :)
>>      Sam
>>      On 11/26/2013 15:06, D. Ryan Spott wrote:
>>       > Even north of fairbanks Propane does not have much of an issue.
>>      Insulate
>>       > and enclose for success.
>>       >
>>       > I use a 1500 gal tank so I can get the 1000+ gal discount. They even
>>       > apply this discount to my home propane purchases for the rest of
>>      the year!
>>       >
>>       > ryan
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