Hi Steve,

Please see my replies below...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Multiple recipients of list witango-talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 10:38 AM
Subject: RE: Witango-Talk: IE browser share now 93% in 2002 (Off topic news)

> I didn't realize that BC's exchange rate was higher than Ontario's.

Sorry - I forgot you were one of us poor Canadians :-}

> There is plenty to agree with in your comments. One thing that I've really
> enjoyed about this list is that with topics like this, it has become a
> to share our opinions. Unfortunately there was a period about a year ago
> when it was just plain ugly.

Well said. Likewise - I'm not trying to be ugly.

Just presenting the prespective that our potential shouldn't be limited by
'industry' view points. Otherwise, where would innovation be?

> Whenever possible I try to follow the principles of people like Jakob
> Nielsen who is one of the leading supporters of Web Usability. He does
> that whenever the developer can control or knows for 100% certain that all
> users will be using a certain browser and version than development can be
> done to utililize that particular browser. So I agree with your comments
> when it comes to developing for an intranet.
> However let me give you an Extranet 'for instance'. You develop a site for
> client to use as an Extranet. One of their users routinely visits two
> Extranet sites, the one that you developed and another that was developed
> support both Netscape and IE. Their browser of choice happens to be
> Netscape. Why should he switch browsers simply to be able to visit one
> I would think that it would develop a level of dissatisfaction in that
> that might reach the point where he says "forget it" and stops dealing
> your client's site which may lead to him or her finding another supplier.
> Your client can't understand why he/she lost a customer. I would think tha
> in most cases, if there is a surcharge up front for making sure that
> Netscape works the client is likely to say forget it.

Good point, but you can't please everyone all the time :-) If you try,
you'll loose yourself in the process.

> With regards to your characterization about IE being more forgiving.
> way of looking at it could be that any surcharge to ensure other browsers
> work is just a surcharge to cover poor development skills.

Ouch! Well I guess I'm just a poor developer because I hate Netscape.

Funny though that I've got more work than 3 people can handle :-}

>Following on that
> thought of course we shouldn't be made to pay for poor work that we do, we
> should pass the buck. <@GRIN> I'm not trying to beat anyone up here, my
> was to point out that in the short history of the web we've heard the
> expression, "the King is dead, long live the King" enough times to know
> nothing has stayed on top for very long. Change is imminent, change is
> very good.

Yes, change is always good! And MSIE's superior support for Technologies
such as XML is changing the web-development landscape considerably.

The problem is some people are trying to change it back to the way it was.
Good luck :-]

> Hope this helps,

Thank you for your time and your thoughts Steve.

Take care. Cheers....


> Steve Smith
> Skadt Information Solutions
> Office: (519) 624-4388
> GTA:    (416) 606-3885
> Fax:    (519) 624-3353
> Cell:   (416) 606-3885
> Web:    http://www.skadt.com
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Scott Cadillac
> Sent: June 14, 2002 12:44 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list witango-talk
> Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: IE browser share now 93% in 2002 (Off topic
> news)
> Hi Steve,
> Please see my replies below....
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Steve Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Multiple recipients of list witango-talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 8:51 AM
> Subject: RE: Witango-Talk: IE browser share now 93% in 2002 (Off topic
> > I got into the PC game in 1985. At the time, (on the Intel side)
> > either bought IBM or bought a clone although some bought from a new
> company
> > called Compaq. Almost every machine went out the door with a copy of
> > WordPerfect and/or Lotus 123.  These were the ONLY applications in their
> > respective fields. I might be mistaken but I seem to recall WordPerfect
> > charging a 'premium' for support, mainly because they could.
> >
> > Nobody had heard of Dell, Microsoft couldn't give Word away, and few if
> > anyone knew they had a product called Excel.
> >
> > Around 1996 I remember supporting Tango 1.5 customers who were running
> into
> > problems caused by people hitting the sites they were developing who
> > using this 'new' Internet Explorer browser. Many just gave up and said
> that
> > they would not worry about the problems from this browser because there
> were
> > so few people using it. Hmmmm...
> A very good point Steve and an interesting tale too :-)
> As a matter of fact, I've been watching the recent Gold release of Mozilla
> 1.0 with interest (and have even installed it). Although my developer
> revolves around building Intranet Applications designed exclusively for
> (specifcally 5.0 or higher on Windows) - I am trying to be prepared for an
> evolving future.
> If someone could actually build a 'standards' compliant browser that
> then I would consider it for inclusion in our development plans - but
> then, the current versions of MSIE is the only browser that delivers what
> promises (90% of the time).
> > And correct me if I'm wrong but aren't many of the 'problems' associated
> > with current versions of Netscape typically the work of sloppy coding
> > Netscape gets picky about but that IE just lets slip through?
> My personal characterization is that MSIE is more forgiving and
inventive -
> whereas Netscape just can't cope :-).
> > I hate the idea of a surcharge being placed on coding for a 'different'
> > browser.
> Time is money. Should we be the ones that pay the penalty by giving away
> time to debug HTML and JavaScript, that more often doesn't work in
> Netscape - but does work in MSIE?
> >What will be next? A surcharge for developing for users who 'Think
> > Different'?
> I can't speak for anyone else - but our 'Market' is users that 'Think
> Different'.
> We build Intranet Applications for Business users (and Accountants) that
> tired of funky web-sites with lots of pretty graphics or are loaded down
> with Applets and Plugins.
> Our users that 'Think Different' want meat, functionality, flexiability
> they want it fast and without hassle. And they are thinking about this
> outside of the simple HTML box. XML and several of Microsoft's Extension
> play are large part in this by giving me Databinding, Behaviours and a
> workable DOM via JScript.
> Should I dumb down all my functionality so a few other Browser wannabes
> play catch up - and limit my customer's abilities? I don't think so.
> Obviously I am talking about Intranet and Extranet Applications and not
> public Internet sites in general, so please forgive me for muddying the
> waters of this interesting discussion.
> > Just my 2 cents,
> My 18 cents (Canadian Exchange :-).
> > Steve Smith
> >
> > Skadt Information Solutions
> > Office: (519) 624-4388
> > GTA:    (416) 606-3885
> > Fax:    (519) 624-3353
> > Cell:   (416) 606-3885
> > Web:    http://www.skadt.com
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of James Macfarlane
> > Sent: June 14, 2002 10:37 AM
> > To: Multiple recipients of list witango-talk
> > Subject: RE: Witango-Talk: IE browser share now 93% in 2002 (Off topic
> > news)
> >
> >
> > I have a retail site with over 600,000 visitors a month. The stats are
> > about the same.
> >
> > We're thinking on a surcharge for Netscape compatibility on projects.
> > 90% of the debugging time is taken up by Netscape rendering issues. If
> > satisfying 7% of your client base is important, then pay up.
> >
> > ....now if Microsoft would only make IE available as a plug-in for
> > Netscape the problem would be solved (grin).
> >
> > - James
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Garth Penglase
> > Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 10:46 PM
> > To: Multiple recipients of list witango-talk
> > Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: IE browser share now 93% in 2002 (Off topic
> > news)
> >
> >
> > I would say that to use those statistic to prove that you need only code
> >
> > for IE is dangerous, as there is a much higher showing, right across the
> >
> > board, of existing NS browsers and Other browser users, on the web sites
> >
> > that I control. And nothing stays the same for too long in tech anyway.
> >
> > Remember different sources give different statistic on this, and the
> > stats
> > are be based on different questions (ie don't believe to much what you
> > read
> > from one source). Believe me, it'd make life a lot easier if there was
> > only
> > one browser to code for.
> > Garth
> >
> >
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