Hello, Scott Cadillac! On 6/17/2002 11:25 PM -0700, you wrote in whole or part:
>Hi Garth,
>Well spoken and no, you're not starting a fight :-)
>I apologize to those of you I have 'dangerously' mislead.
>For the sake of clarity - I like to think I have a specialty and that is
>"Intranets", using XML and the following tools:
>-- For Intranet client-side coding I only write for MS Internet Explorer,
>because it supports XML, it's the best and offers the most choices.

Unfortunately, MS has chosen to be very exclusive with it's XML support...
It means that if you don't have THEIR OS, THEIR browser, THEIR (you fill in the 
blank), then you're hosed (the polite term!)

And the _promise_ of XML is that it is PLATFORM INDEPENDANT. Sure MS has a new browser 
for folks that *choose* to not use their OS. But does it work the same? Noooooo!

So, we're still stuck with some hoop-jumping.

>-- For Intranet server-side solutions, I write with Witango, because it's
>written in XML, supports XML, it's the best and offers the most choices :-).


>-- For Intranet data exchange between servers and clients, I use XML because
>it's the closest thing we have to a true platform independent language on
>this planet.

Ah! see!! even YOU said the magic words: "platform independent language"

>-- For Intranet database solutions, I use MS SQL-Server because it's
>reliable and easy, supports XML and I don't have time to be a DBA as well as
>a web-developer.

Agree here, it's a fine application and I use it myself.

>I just don't build public web-sites for our clients period! And yes, we've
>turned down work because a customer had all Mac workstations - but that just
>means more work for someone else :-)

The WEB is "platform independent" (or should be!!)

>And no, I'm not 'religious' about MS. If I was - would I still be hanging
>onto and supporting Witango every way I can, after all this time?
>MSIE might truly be the most superior browser on the planet right now - but
>I know it won't last forever. Like I said in one of my earlier posts, I wish
>someone would build a standards compliant browser that WORKS! Until then
>MSIE is it.

Not completely, and until it is, I'll have to code to fit the "lowest common 

>My "goal" is to build everything in XML. From the database, to the server,
>to the client - a pure XML core all the way - browser wars, platform issues
>and language barriers be damned!

If Witango can take the XML and pre-process and do the transformation to lowly HTML, 
then the fuss is over... :^)

>If XML isn't about change and the future - I'll eat my shorts!

Change for the better, we hope. That is, if those browser folks (all of them!) don't 
try to take a lovely concept of STANDARDIZATION and muck it up...

There, *I* feel better. <grin />
(and I really like Scott and what he's doing for _this_ community!)

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