Thanks for the survey, Scott! 


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Cadillac [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 11:39 AM
To: Witango-Talk
Subject: Witango-Talk: Observations on Survey results

Hi All,

The survey has reached 49 responses, a very respectable number.  
Congratulations everyone.

Note, I think the survey system only lets you see the first 50 responses.
For more you have to buy a monthly subscription.

An observation that I think is interesting, is that the number of people
coding on a particular platform for their Editor/Studio does not directly
match the Server platform they deploy to. As well, the majority of choice
for an alternate technology platform (Linux) also do not match the platform
most considered stable for Witango (Windows).

I think what that says is that Witango programmers are less concerned about
the Operating System they use, and more interested in stability and options.
Personally I think that's a great attribute for a good programmer or service
provider - by focusing on the solution and not letting yourself get hung up
on the logistics. Of course, some might say the same should be said about
our choice of programming languages too.

Also, I see the interest in Java based options (both current and as an
alternate technology) being very low - yet, a lot of people are planning to
move to version 6 which is apparently java-based. Does that mean we trust
Java more as an application platform than as a coding environment? Just

In hindsight I know I could have worded things a little differently, but
mostly I wish I had added another option for Question 10 (What do you use or
see as a workable transition platform?) as "Not interested in moving away
from Witango". But for being a spur of the moment thing, I think it all
worked out pretty well. Thank you.

Take care.



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