On 8/6/08 1:52 PM, "Ian Daniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in whole or in part:

> As for availability of Witango programmers, I can hire a proficient .NET
> programmer, and within about 3 concentrated days, they will be 90%
> conversant with Witango, because of its programming constructs and visual
> development interface.  The converse is not true.

Ditto. The Editor makes it so easy to "program". If you have a good person
with some web logic experience & database experience (of any kind!) behind
them, you have a good chance of making them Wintango Developers.

If you run your shop like we do, using MVC concepts, it's easy to give
others tasks which don't require a lot of experience. After all they aren't
designing the entire site, just snippets of it.


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