I have written wxs file for a windows service that requires username/password 
during installation. It installs but the problem is, after installing I cannot 
start the service. It gives me an error saying " Error 1069: The service did 
not start due to a logon failure" .But if I right click the service, go in the 
'Log On' tab and re-enter the password under 'This account' then its able to 
start the service. Btw, this was the same password I entered during the 
installation run-time.Anyone in the same boat? Am I missing something with the 
password? I set it as a public property (similar to username) but somehow the 
service wont start unless i re-enter the password manually after the 
installation. Again, once password is reset, I can't uninstall or reinstall the 
service. Portion of the wxs file is below: 
<Component Id="ItemRepWinServiceComponent" 
   <File Id ="ItemReplicator.exe" Name="ItemRep.exe" 
LongName="ItemReplicator.exe" src="$(var.BuildBinariesDir)\" KeyPath="yes" 
DiskId="1" />
      <ServiceInstall Id="ItemReplicatorServiceInstall" Name="Item Replicator" 
DisplayName="Item Replicator Service" Description="Service to Replicate Change" 
ErrorControl="normal" Type="ownProcess" Start="auto" Vital="yes"
                        Account='[USERNAME]' Password='[PASSWORD]'  />
      <ServiceControl Id="ItemReplicatorServiceInstall" Name="Item Replicator" 
Stop="both" Remove="uninstall" Wait="yes"/>
The service works perfectly when installed with installutil command.
Version of wix being used is 2.0.4701.0.
Has anyone faced similar problem or am I missing something?
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