On Thu, January 19, 2012, Carlos R. Mafra wrote:

> The original motivation for the debian/ folder was to help people test
> wmaker-crm by making a debian package out of it.
> Now that wmaker-crm is on debian, it should be removed to avoid this
> kind of confusion. Whatever debian does to the package, it's their
> business. 

I strongly disagree with this. I think it's good style to have
working distro build scripts in the code base. If you use a
distro with a package manager, you will always prefer to build
the software for the package manager rather than putting stuff
to /usr/local where you depend on often sloppily written
'uninstall' make targets. 

Having the 'debian' folder in the code also discourages
maintainers on different debian-derived distros from creating
incompatible debianization which confuses (and annoys) people. 
The same applies to .spec files for RPM as well and of course to
other formats I don't even know of. 

We're lucky to have people here on the project who actively
maintain these files. If this weren't the case I'd probably
argue differently.

Also: I know I haven't provided Debian auto-builds for a while.
This is not because I've lost interest but due to the fact that
the machine I'm using at work currently runs on OSX, and due to
some change beyond my control I cannot pull from the repo in my
virtual Linux box anymore. 

However there will still be auto-builds from me in the future,
but I can only provide this service if the code is debianized. 
If I have to manually copy and edit files, I will no longer be
able to do so. 

Again, for an open source project which is included in Linux-
(and BSD- etc.) distros the distro-package configuration should
be kept with the source code (provided there is somebody around
who can take care of that).



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