What's wrong with the actual project developers maintaining the Debian package?

People do it for all of their projects, there is no law against
maintaining your own package for your own software for a distro.

On 1/20/12, Doug Barton <do...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On 01/20/2012 16:08, David Rawson Couzelis wrote:
>> Of course using a package manager is better than installing using "make
>> install". I think everyone agrees on that. But that doesn't mean the
>> files used by a package manager should be provided by the package
>> developer. That's what package maintainers are for.
> If everyone who is interested in providing the package infrastructure
> for their OS/distro/whatever is allowed to include them on an equal
> footing, what is the harm?
> I'm sensitive to your argument that this may not be the right place for
> that, but in general I feel that "people find this useful" trumps "not
> 100% technically correct."
> Doug
> PS, speaking as FreeBSD maintainer for windowmaker, I'm not interested
> in including a port framework in the windowmaker dist file, but I'm also
> not opposed to others doing so if they wish.
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