On Sat, 19 Oct 2013 at  0:55:26 +0000, Torrance, Douglas wrote:
> I noticed a few things while looking at the default WMWindowAttributes.
> * Many of the icons don't ship with Window Maker (e.g., ColorGNU.xpm for
> Emacs), but instead are in the WindowMaker-extra tarball. (Similarly,
> the Debian default WMWindowAttributes, which has mostly different icons,
> references icons in the wmaker-data package, which is only suggested but
> not required by the main wmaker package.)
> * Many of the icons are for rarely used software in a modern system
> (e.g., Netscape).
> * The current version of Window Maker does a mostly great job of getting
> icons from applications, and so declaring icons in WMWindowAttributes
> seems unnecessary outside of things like the dock, clip, and drawers
> (unless the user wants an icon theme).
> At this point, leaving things the way they are seems to only be of
> interest for historic purposes.  I'd like to make some changes, but I
> wanted to see how people felt about the issue before I started submitted
> patches.

I think it's a good idea to sanitize this. 

There is more than one way to proceed, eg include the missing icons
or remove their appearance in the config files, remove/keep the Netscape
icon (I'd favor removing it) etc.

But my first reaction is "go for it".

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