I ought to comment on this:

1) Legacy icons carry the sense of tradition, are long-known and might be referred from somewhere (else). On the other hand, gain from removing those would be nonexistent.

Please keep.

2) WindowMaker is not (yet) so great in getting icons from applications (recent VirtualBox comes to mind). But even if it was, folks just might want to set their own icons for something! E.g., libreoffice vs. openoffice appicon set. I think any other WM allows for that.

Also, removing the option from WMAttributes would "strand" folks working *without* either dock or clip (e.g., I do, for 10+ years)

Please keep.

3) Few words on appicon functionality in general. Anything different from 64x64 auto-resizes not so well, and there's no provision for auto-selection of subdirs in meta-dirs. I have both gnome/48x48 and hicolor/48x48 added to my dirlist. (BTW, why no 64x64 subdirs there? Because icons from those often are "bigger in the picture part", and mix badly with, e.g., icons provided by applications themselves, which are closer to 48x48.)

Why is the operator forced to look for icons only in the fixed set of dirs at all? Configs keep full paths.

Restarting the session throws out icons set in WMAttributes.

Last I looked, icons can only exist in square blocks, with no transparency? (Might be remedied almost ideally by setting repetitive background raster having width divisible by 64)


On 10/19/2013 03:55 AM, Torrance, Douglas wrote:
I noticed a few things while looking at the default WMWindowAttributes.

* Many of the icons don't ship with Window Maker (e.g., ColorGNU.xpm for
Emacs), but instead are in the WindowMaker-extra tarball. (Similarly,
the Debian default WMWindowAttributes, which has mostly different icons,
references icons in the wmaker-data package, which is only suggested but
not required by the main wmaker package.)

* Many of the icons are for rarely used software in a modern system
(e.g., Netscape).

* The current version of Window Maker does a mostly great job of getting
icons from applications, and so declaring icons in WMWindowAttributes
seems unnecessary outside of things like the dock, clip, and drawers
(unless the user wants an icon theme).

At this point, leaving things the way they are seems to only be of
interest for historic purposes.  I'd like to make some changes, but I
wanted to see how people felt about the issue before I started submitted


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