Em Thu, 20 Nov 2014 23:23:52 +0100
Josip Deanovic <djosip+n...@linuxpages.net> escreveu:

> What if it happens that the "marriage" between GNU and Windowmaker
> simply doesn't work for some reason and participants (GNU and
> Windowmaker) decide to split up and continue with their own paths?

What do you mean by "split up"?  From the GNU project's perspective the
only possible and unfortunate case is when the GNU Window Maker
maintainers decide to step down.  This situation and associated
procedures are described in the GNU maintainers guide[0]. 

> What would that imply for Windowmaker developers and the Windowmaker
> project in the terms of legal liabilities?

There are no legal implications.  GNU maintainers can optionally decide,
however, to assign their copyright to the Free Software Foundation, in
which case the FSF can enforce the GNU program's license world-wide.
But that's all.  There is no contract binding the GNU project and its
maintainers.  GNU maintainers are free to leave and maintain their own
version of any GNU program, if they wish; hopefully that won't happen,
though. ;-)

The GNU maintainers guide talks about legal matters too[1].


 ,= ,-_-. =.  Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro (oitofelix) [0x28D618AF]
((_/)o o(\_)) There is no system but GNU;
 `-'(. .)`-'  GNU Linux-Libre is one of its official kernels;
     \_/      All software must be free as in freedom;

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