A few suggestions on the UI of Appearance.app (as seen in fresh #next); some of these might possibly duplicate other people's comments:

1) Wording in the second tab: "When dragging a maximized window..." might look more neat as: "Dragging a maximized window...", together with corresponding changes in the combo list strings: "...change*s* ...", "...restore*s* ...", "...makes the window unmaximized", "...does not move the window".

2) The new default application icon is not very visible on any kind of darker background, alt-tab panel included. Might use some light aureole or something.

3) The default application icon is (still) changeable only through direct editing of configs. Is it possible to add a widget for this into Appearance.app, on icons search path tab, possibly?

4) What does "Enable window snapping" do (last tab)? Is it related with things set in the windows handling tab (2nd from the left)? I've tried enabling and disabling this, and have seen no discernible difference.

5) Personally, I am always forgetting what "apercu" means after like 5 minutes of finding it and perusing it in the list archives. I guess lots of folks have the same problem. Could we change this term to "mini-preview" or "window peek" or something?

6) Background texture tab has two sub-tabs "Texture" and "Color", which deal, essentially with the same kind of things. Could those be renamed as "Main scheme" and, I don't know, "Scheme details"?

For the Wmaker dialogs in general:

7.1) Icon setting dialog has immutable paths list. Could we have + and - buttons there, adding (or opening add dialog) and removing paths from this list, like GTK dialogs do?

7.2) Icon setting dialog has icon files (names) list, which does not allow for a quick browse with mouse wheel, like other graphics toolkits do. Mouse wheeling just scrolls the list, not moving the selection. Could this be redone a little?

7.3) Icon themes usually have subdirs for different sizes. Some icons in, say, 48x48 look good in wmaker's 64x64 grid, some icons look better in 64x64. Currently we have to add both icon search paths into the lists, creating certain clutter. Could this dialog be modified, e.g., by adding a "Icon theme path" checkbox for the search path item and going from always two-columns layout to three-columns layout for themes directories and two-columns for common directories?


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