> Does anyone work on Wayland support in Window Maker?

I don't think is is possible. From the Wayland FAQ:

How can I replace Wayland's Window Manager

The Wayland architecture integrates the display server, window manager
and compositor into one process. You can think of Wayland as a toolkit
for creating clients and compositors. It is not a specific single
compositor or window manager. If you want a different window manager,
you can write a new one.

It will be an very difficult task to integrate wmaker into the same
process as wayland. Also

~/projects/wmaker$ grep -R "\sX" src/ WINGs/ wmlib/ wrlib/ WPrefs.app/ |
grep -iv "binary" | wc -l

There are around ~4000 calls to X11 in wmaker, not a trivial task to
replace them.

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