Johann Haarhoff <> escribió:

Does anyone work on Wayland support in Window Maker?

I don't think is is possible. From the Wayland FAQ:

How can I replace Wayland's Window Manager

The Wayland architecture integrates the display server, window manager
and compositor into one process. You can think of Wayland as a toolkit
for creating clients and compositors. It is not a specific single
compositor or window manager. If you want a different window manager,
you can write a new one.

It will be an very difficult task to integrate wmaker into the same
process as wayland. Also

~/projects/wmaker$ grep -R "\sX" src/ WINGs/ wmlib/ wrlib/ |
grep -iv "binary" | wc -l

There are around ~4000 calls to X11 in wmaker, not a trivial task to
replace them.

Dear Window Maker developers,

I think this mail is related to my previous comments about the wmaker abstraction. wmaker could continue running in Wayland, but not natively, using an X11 server for Wayland. wmaker needs X11 to run.

Now, I am busy with other projects and I (now) cannot continue with my wmaker branch ( I will continue in the future with it, but I would like to share my first impressions with my fork/branch. These tips could help you to improve wmaker and include Wayland or non-X11 support.

1. The wmaker uses WScreen struct to handle all objects. WScreen is X11 realted object. For example, for a window, this is the code. The code for all objects is the same, a pointer to WScreen:

  177 typedef struct WWindow {
  178 struct WWindow *prev; /* window focus list */
  179 struct WWindow *next;
  181 WScreen *screen_ptr; /* pointer to the screen structure */

2. When wmaker starts, it creates a different WScreen struct for every X11 screen.
3. Using the previous dots (1 and 2):
a. When wmaker is restarted, all items must be destroyed and recreated. Because the WScreen struct is destroyed and re-created. b. Are not possible make X11 screen changes without restart wmaker. Wmaker doesn’t support screen swapping, screen changes, screen attach and de-attach in laptops… wmaker depends on X11 configuration. No support for different window systems (Wayland,...), at least native support. c. Behaviors using “Xinerama”, “XRandR” and multiple independent screens are different. The windows, the WDock, the Clip,… belongs to an WScreen. The number of WDock, Clips,… is fixed. d. Items position in the WScreen is complex. Every item (Dock, Clip, Menu, Window …) has their own method to display it.

What I am doing?:

The method I am using is easy. I split the WScreen struct in two different structs:

  WScreen: Hardware related info.
  virtual_screen: Non-hardware related info

Items are painted in the virtual_screen, not in the WScreen.
wmaker has two different arrays (or lists) one for WSCreens and other for virtual_screens. When wmaker starts, it binds the previously created virtual_screens to the real screens (WScreen structs). If virtual_screens are cero, wmaker is starting, and new virtual_screens must be created, one per WScreen. But if the virtual_screen array is not cero (XConfigure event, wmaker restart...), we should bind these virtual_screens to the WScreens.

We could have the same virtual_screens that WScreens (or more!, or less!). If more, we have virtual screens hidden, like the workspaces…

But the main tip is, we can restart wmaker, swap the screens, connect or disconnect screens,... Because the items are painted to the virtual_screen, we can use the same functions to found the right position in the screen.

I did a lot of changes to do it. Now the items are created and hidden, not destroyed. I removed the brother menu in the menu struct,... OTOH, I split the functions in X11 related code and abstract (no window system related). To change the code to Wayland, we need rewrite only the X11 related functions.

I tried to upload the wmaker upstream changes to the awmaker code, to re-join both projects in the future, so see the differences could be easy.

The code is there, and this mail tries to explain the main ideas. Feel free to implement them in wmaker. If you need help, write me or to the list.

As I said, I will continue with the fork, but I have no time now.


I have more patches in my laptop, but I need time to upload them. I someone is interested, I could try to upload them soon.


Rodolfo García Peñas (kix)

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