Quoting message written on Sunday 2015-06-21 20:30:46:
> Quoting message written by Christophe on Sunday 2015-06-21 20:12:23:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On my side I can re-run a new instance of an application by doing
> > "Ctrl+DblClick" which is an official feature. Do we really need to add
> > an ugly hack to implement an unexpected side effect, which would be
> > configured through an option that is totally unrelated to the
> > behaviour
> > controlled?
> But it worked in 0.95.3 and I am inclined to believe that author wanted
> it that way rather than the doubleclick was implemented by mistake.
> If it actually was a mistake it is still something users saw as a
> feature.
> In the meantime some users (not me because I am not using wmdock to
> start applications) became dependent on that feature and even chose to
> stick with the 0.95.3 because of it.
> I know how they feel since I used 0.80.2 for years because 0.9x version
> changed a way things are done (these have been fixed in the meantime and
> I am very grateful to the developers and maintainers for this).
> Since I don't like to see losing perfectly valid features with new
> versions of WindowMaker I have started this thread some time ago hoping
> that this feature (even if it is not documented it is still feature)
> could find its way back into windowmaker.

I'll reply here to myself...

In the meantime I have tested the feature thoroughly and I have somewhat
changed my mind about it.
Please check my response to the message sent by Charles Philip Chan.

Josip Deanovic

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