On Mon, 22 Jun 2015, Josip Deanovic wrote:
On Monday 2015-06-22 15:06:36 BALATON Zoltan wrote:
I've never seen this behaviour but maybe I've skipped the buggy versions
that had this "feature" or used settings where this didn't happen.
Double click raised app windows and Ctrl+DblClick started another
instance whenever I've tried. The ability to use Ctrl+DblClick on
undocked appicons was added recently, previously it only worked on the

Yes, you would have to set the "Shared application icon" option in the
application attributes window.

But I was using that setting all the time and still never seen just double click launching new instance. Does not matter though.

I have suggested application attributes window because there are already
"Shared application icon" and "No application icon" options and they both
allow you to configure some applications to act different then the others.
So it seems to be logical place for such option if its going to be added
in the future.

These are app specific settings and the shared app icon is really a workaround for apps that don't set their resources correctly or run as separate instances under X. For example terminal emulators are typically run as one instance per window but useful to group them under the same app icon to emulate the Terminal.app which is a single app with multiple windows so would have a single app icon.

But to make the dock behave like a launcher and have it launch new instances on clicking the icon of a running app is more like a dock setting to me not an app specific setting, that's why I thought it does not belong in that window but somewhere else in preferences. But I don't mind as long as the original behaviour is not broken.


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