On Monday 2015-06-22 15:06:36 BALATON Zoltan wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jun 2015, Josip Deanovic wrote:
> > Windowmaker up until and including 0.95.3 would allow subsequent
> > double
> > clicks on the docked appicon to start new instances of the application
> > which was probably incorrect from the windowmaker design (look and
> > feel) perspective but some people learned to use that "feature".
> I've never seen this behaviour but maybe I've skipped the buggy versions
> that had this "feature" or used settings where this didn't happen.
> Double click raised app windows and Ctrl+DblClick started another
> instance whenever I've tried. The ability to use Ctrl+DblClick on
> undocked appicons was added recently, previously it only worked on the
> dock/clip.

Yes, you would have to set the "Shared application icon" option in the
application attributes window.

> > Instead, I would like to propose a new option under the "Application
> > Specific" options, in the application attributes winow which would:
> > - make docked appicon behave more like an launcher for the application
> > 
> >  instead of the application's instance appicon
> > 
> > - allow double click and subsequent double clicks on the docked
> > appicon
> > 
> >  to launch new instances of the application
> > 
> > Users would then be able to drag an appicon to the dock and configure
> > the window attributes in a way that the docked appicon doesn't ack as
> > a docked appicon but as a launcher which would be much more intuitive
> > taking into account the year we live in. :-)
> Window attributes are app specific. This setting seems to be a dock/clip
> option so maybe it should be a pref setting for dock/clip instead. A
> window attribute does not make much sense here unless you want it
> selectively for different apps, but that's really bad ergonomics as
> that would be very confusing if icons for different apps would behave
> differently when docked. So this looks more like a dock feature to me
> to have click on running appicon start new instance more like a
> launcher.

I have suggested application attributes window because there are already
"Shared application icon" and "No application icon" options and they both
allow you to configure some applications to act different then the others.
So it seems to be logical place for such option if its going to be added
in the future.

Josip Deanovic

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