On Monday 2015-08-24 14:07:48 Rodolfo García  Peñas wrote:
> Josip Deanovic <djosip+n...@linuxpages.net> escribió:
> > I am using the --enable-usermenu option every time when I prepare
> > windowmaker for compilation but I don't think that I have ever managed
> > to get some time and actually test and use the feature.
> > 
> > The feature seem to appear in the 0.53.0 and it is documented in the
> > NEWS file:
> > 
> > 
> > -----BEGIN-----
> > Application User Menu
> > ---------------------
> > 
> > Applications with an appicon can have a user defined menu.
> > 
> > This menu will emulate keyboard events, and will be sent to the
> > applications' window(s), thus the application must accept key
> > combinations (CTRL+N for instance).
> > 
> > To enable this feature, #define USER_MENU in src/wconfig.h and place
> > menu files in ~/GNUstep/Defaults/UserMenus
> > (/usr/local/etc/WindowMaker/UserMenus globally).
> > 
> > The user menu is in PropList format and the filename is in:
> > <instance name>.<class name>.menu or application's main window.
> > (Example: the menu for xcalc would be - xcalc.XCalc.menu)
> > 
> > Example user menu syntax:
> > 
> > (
> > 
> >   "Calculator",
> >   ("Put 1", SHORTCUT, "2"),
> >   ("Functions",
> >   
> >     ("Put 2", SHORTCUT, "2"),
> >     ("Put 3,4 and 5", SHORTCUT, (3,4,5))
> >   
> >   ),
> >   ("Exit", SHORTCUT, "Control+q")
> > 
> > )
> > -----END-----
> > 
> > 
> > If I understand correctly this feature would make possible to use
> > "the user defined menu" or keyboard shortcut on the appicon of an
> > application to start emulating keyboard events on the application
> > window.
> Hello,
> I tried to create the menu file
> (~/GNUstep/Defaults/UserMenus/xcalc.XCalc.menu) with the contents
> included in the NEWS file. I am unable to use the menu. IMO the call
> is wrong, because is set in the wSetFocusTo function and in a place
> probably unreacheable. Could someone try to show the menu?
> I will think about it, perhalps is a good idea have this menu...
> OTOH, the usermenu is not compiled in Debian/Ubuntu by default.

I have tried to configure it for xlogo.XLogo.menu and I don't see
any menu (unfortunately).

Maybe there is some keyboard shortcut which need to be used to activate
it? Or maybe some other way to activate it?

Josip Deanovic

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