Hello Simon,
> Rainer Meier wrote:
>> However the issue you face with your packages might come from the fact
>> that you
>> did not specify appropriate checks for the packages. From your description
>> I
>> have to assume that you do not specify any checks. As a result the
>> WPKG-internal
>> isInstalled() check will return false for the package. That means that
>> WPKG will
>> re-install all these packages having no checks during synchronization.
>> To prevent this you might specify the "execute=once" attribute to the
>> package.
>> "Once"-Packages are just installed once and then WPKG does not use the
>> checks to
>> verify if they are installed - WPKG just trusts that they still are.
> This package is a execute=always, as it is a script to be run if the
> computer is connected to the school network and not run if the computer is
> not connected (e.g laptop at home) and the computer can't reach the school
> server over a LAN.
> I think it is incorrect logic for a package to be run if it is not in the
> profile of the designated host.
> I don't think it used to work that way and it seems to have been introduced
> as a work-around for uninstall issues.
> This behaviour was very confusing when I was testing the package until I
> realised what was happening.
what I understand here is:

* you have package with "execute=always"

* you complain about: if this package is removed from the profile,
  wpkg should do nothing, if there is no uninstall entry

Is this understanding correct?

If yes: please have a look at the "/noforcedremove" and "/noremove"
parameters or
search for these in the mailing list.

>>> Could WPKG be modified that if a package has no uninstall script then
>>> WPKG
>>> does not try to do anything except report the information if console
>>> messages are enabled.
>> It's already doing this. If there are no uninstall commands WPKG will not
>> do
>> anything and then use the checks if the package is removed correctly. If
>> you do
>> not specify any checks this removes the package from local wpkg.xml
>> without
>> applying any change to the system.
> No - what I mean is not do anything at all (apart from send/log message) -
> No uninstall - WPKG does nothing - doesn't run package one more time -
> doesn't remove wpkg.xml entry.

So, if you remove the package from the profile or the profile (containing
this package) from the host - why should wpkg leave the package in it's

Could you please provide examples of your xmls (only the concerned
sections would be ok)
 and full debug log when this situation is in effect:

- hosts.xml, profiles.xml, packages.xml
- wpkg.xml
- full log (using logLevel=0xFF)

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