simplesi wrote:
> Falko Trojahn-2 wrote:
>> what I understand here is:
>> * you have package with "execute=always"
>> * you complain about: if this package is removed from the profile,
>>   wpkg should do nothing, if there is no uninstall entry
>> Is this understanding correct?
> yes
>> If yes: please have a look at the "/noforcedremove" and "/noremove"
>> parameters
>> <\quote>
>> these seem to have no effect

The /noremove and flag and "noRemove" parameter within config.xml only have one
During removal no remove commands are executed.
So for you this does not make a big difference as long as you do not have any
remove commands defined. WPKG will just run through a bit more code but the
result (nothing executed) will be the same.

At the end of the removal process (no matter if you use the /noremove switch or
not) WPKG will execute the checks to verify if the package is still installed.
If it is, then the wpkg.xml entry is kept. If it is not (or no checks are
defined) WPKG will remove the wpkg.xml entry.

This is an essential core functionality of package deployment (not even WPKG
alone). Packages which are (verified by checks) still installed are not
considered to be removed correctly.
You did not answer yet if your packages define some checks. So I assumed you
don't use any checks. In this case WPKG should always do what you're asking for.
The only difference (and that's what is irritating you I think) is that WPKG is
going to verify the package on each run. But your package assumes to be run on
each WPKG run anyway if you specify execute=always, so running it once more
should not be a problem.

In case you're specifying some checks then you will always need some kind of
remove commands in order to do something to make the checks fail after removal.

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