Hi Simon,

If you allow me to make one more proposal...

simplesi wrote:
> The irritation is that I have removed a package from a profile but WPKG
> thinks it is OK to run the package one more time :)

I would like to know if WPKG would behave as you expected if you comment out (or
delete) line 4547 (WPKG 1.1.1-RC0) which reads


If you remve it (or the whole for-loop around it) then WPKG will not do the
upgrade-before-remove procedure. Thus not running your install commands of the
package once again before it runs the remove commands (none in your case).

You might combine this with the /noremove flag to prevent WPKG to execute any
remove commands. Well, in your case there should be no difference because you do
not specify any remove commands. Therefore I suggest not to use the /noremove
flag because it might affect other packages (where you define some remove 

If that works for you I am thinking about to make the upgrade-before-remove
feature optional by introducing a new flag to disable it. For most use-cases
this feature assists self-healing of the package structure but it would enable
you to switch it off in order to prevent that packages which are removed are
verified (and in your case (execute=always, no checks) that these packages are
run once more right before removal).

Please report if commenting/removing the line referred above gives you the
functionality you would like to have.

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