Hi Simon,

simplesi wrote:
> I am very sorry that you are unable to view WPKG as a tool that is used in
> many different ways.
> You seem to think that your way of package deployment is right and that
> other ways are wrong.
> This is not good.
> I hope that in future, you will listen more to users :)

Thanks for constructive criticism. I know I am totally unable to understand
others needs, that's why nobody wants to use WPKG any more. Well, I have to look
at a little more interests than just yours. WPKG is a nice but small tool which
was made for a specific purpose. If you look for a tool which does basically
everything then we have different views on it.
But hey, the code is open and freely available. So if you have different
priorities than stability and compatibility (which I personally rate very high)
then you're free to change whatever you need.
For example if you want to stop WPKG to verify installed packages you need to
adapt the synchronize() method to your needs. Feel free to provide it to other
users as well and provide support for it too.

I am providing my implementation as well as I spend a lot of time for
free-of-charge support on the mailing list and in turn I take the freedom to
decide what to implement and which changes potentially run WPKG development into
troubles or would lead to an overwhelming amount of support requests.

So feel free to adapt WPKG to do whatever you like to do with it. For me it is
and stays a software deployment tool. It's not an inventory tool and it's not a
tool to run services on a client. For a lot of purposes where WPKG "might" be
used as well there are perfect mechanisms already available (some of them I
pointed you to already). Personally I prefer to use existing technologies if
they already work well - feel free to re-implement it if you like to.

Of course we are listening to users - but this does not mean that every request
is just patched in without discussing about pro and con. But I realized since
your second message that you already drove the discussion into a dead end by
talking about that the request might be "shot down". I still tried to help you
in your use cases and provided lots of input to deal with your issue. But seems
that you want to insist getting a change where I do not agree to. Again, feel
free to change it yourself.

Maybe I am totally wrong and the majority of WPKG users would like WPKG to work
the way you proposed it - unfortunately the discussion was only held between the
 two of us (with one message from Falko).
I am still open to change improvements if I feel they would improve some
situation without major drawbacks. If somebody feels he can drive WPKG to a more
bright future feel free to take over. What I don't like especially is to get
requests which lead to some strong disadvantages (even if the requester cannot
see it yet) and after it would have been implemented the person requesting the
change disappears and users/maintainers have to live with the change.

So I ask WPKG users to give feedback on such requests too and if a majority
thinks I am driving the project into the wrong direction it might be time to
hand over to somebody else.

Awaiting further feedback from the community...

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