> But the- why the - but WHYYYYYYY

Like I said... No idea. One for the ages I guess.
> This doesn't make sense ... This worked fine on another site.

Makes perfect sense (to me atleast).

As the footer is only going to "clear" the last *non-floated* element in
innerMid. Floated elements, by default, will overflow outside its containing
block element... Therefore you need to clear the last float within the div,
not outside (thus resetting the "true" height of innermid).

Sorry if that explaination doesn't make much sense, don't know how else to
explain it.

> Thanks for taking a look James. I'm slogging away. Even when 
> I go back a few steps and remove all the floats the footer 
> doesn't clear properly
> - it's ridiculous!
> P

No prob... Good luck with getting it sorted.

James Silva
Web Production
Gruden Pty Ltd

Tel:   +61 02 9956 6388
Fax:   +61 02 9956 8433
Web:   http://www.gruden.com

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