You could also use css to generate specific qualities for say print using the @media

This allows for you to target say the printer and specify a formatting for printing your pages instead of relying on browsers default settings which may not be printer friendly. You can set margins, specific printing fonts and so forth with this.

I hope this link to w3schools is of help.

Steven Clark

Subject: Re: [WSG] Font size, and how large is large enough?
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 19:36:13 -0500 (EST)

Thanks for the feed back!

I've tested the webpage on 3 differnet monitor on anything from 800X600 up.
I've also tested it in Netscape, IE, Opera and FireFox. I noticed the
Gecko browsers did display the font fairly small. I chose Verdana as it is
very clean for both print and display. I also included it in a font
family, so if a viewer hasn't got verdana installed, they will display
arial (PC), hevetica(Apple?), or finally san-serif(Lowest common
denominator :P). (^_^)

As I am rewriting the CSS for the website, my main focas is font size. I'm
currently reading suggested articles and as soon as I have a remedied CSS
I'll be sure to let you know (^^

Thanks again, this feedback is very helpful


>> On a website I've recently developed ( I
>> opted
>> for this...
>> p.body {
>> font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
>> font-size: x-small;
>> line-height: 2;
>> }
>> I found it's clean and clear.
> Is your monitor huge, or your resolution very low? The most common
> meaning of x-small is 10px
> <>. That's
> much too small for average or worse eyes for normal body/paragraph text
> on normal or higher resolution on common display sizes. It's only 1px
> above the minimum size a full font set can be rendered, at regardless
> how good your eyes or what your own settings are. The problem is even
> worse for those who don't have Verdana installed, as it's the second
> largest common font size around (AFAKI, only Bitstream Vera Sans is
> larger, and it isn't all that commonly installed yet), designed
> precisely to look good at small sizes.
>> Just wondering... What is the difference of
>> using the percentage font-size as opposed to the preset "medium, small,
>> x-small, etc" sizes? Are these 'preset' sizes still relative to the body
>> user defined font size?
> Once difference is that the keywords are not subject to inheritance
> cascade, but at least they can be resized by the user even in IE. The
> wiki has more to say:
> --
> "Surely God would not have created such a being as man to exist only
> a day! No, no, man was made for immortality."
> President Abraham Lincoln
> Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409
> Felix Miata ***
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