ahhh ok ok I got ya.... hmmm... I noticed you haven't included any height
attributes in the CSS. Maybe if you put "height: 100%;" then that would
restrict the div and stop it from going larger than the window. Anyways,
you may have noticed I'm fairly new to this too :P  I used to do all this
stuff with tables apon tables, divs save a ton of code and time but they
take time to get used to.


> Yes, but it's not the overflow of the div, it's the frame itself.  The
> page is going larger than the frame window - meaning, the divs aren't
> respecting the size of the window.  Sorry if my explanation was
> confusing on that point.
> ;)
> On 24 Mar 2004, at 09:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I'm not quite sure what you mean... maybe this will help.
>> if content of a div is larger than the space provided (eg screen size
>> restriction, or width, height, settings) there is an "overflow" css
>> attribute to handle it.  For example "overflow: hidden;" hides any
>> thing
>> that doesn't fix, "overflow: scroll;" will give the div scroll bars,
>> and
>> "overflow: visible;" will show it usually by stretching the height of
>> the
>> div.
>> Maybe that was completely useless, hope it helps though.
>> Darian
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