Firstly, sorry about this, I know this thread was meant to close
yesterday... I promise this is my LAST post in this thread (^_^; ) is fine as a web addy I think.  If there is
not 'http://', 'ftp://', or whatever one usually assumes http but you
don't need to type it. Anyways I'm sick of politically (w3c??) correct
people, what ever happened to practicality?? I've passed the XHTML1.1
validator and that didn't complain about verdana btw :P lol
That wasn't the issue though so I'll move on...

Now I get to the point.  VERDANA is my preferred font for the website!!! 
Ok shoot me, flame me, or suggest a million other sites to dissagree but
I've tested my site fairly well and even *without* verdana supported.
Everything was fine, so I'm using it.  I understand that you've obviously
visited one too many font offending sites Felix, but as far as I can tell,
I'm not an offender.

Anyways lets talk about more constructive stuff. This thread really is
getting on a bit, sorry but I couldn't resist a final post.

Take it easy ;)

>> I've decided to stick with Verdana (>_<)
> The world shall have Verdana. Heaven forbid any mere mortal user gets to
> see the default he selected.
>> If you visit
> It'd be nice if people would provided a URL, something *everyone* could
> click on to reach your page. is NOT a URL. URLs begin
> ftp:// or http:// or irc:// or any of a few other prefixes ending in
> ://.
> If you select the contents of the urlbar and copy its contents into your
> email, you are pretty well guaranteed against typos as well. ;-)
>> I've also been sure not to use any pt or px font sizes so if need be,
>> the
>> viewer can change the font size with the browser setting.
>> Anyways, please give me feedback if you find my font/size/css to cause
>> you
>> any problems.
> This thread has caused me to do some updates and additions to my site that
> at
> least in part amount to additional feedback:
> --
> "Surely God would not have created such a being as man to exist only
> a day! No, no, man was made for immortality."
>                                         President Abraham Lincoln
>  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409
> Felix Miata  ***
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