I thought this thread was closed by Russ??

Guys, if you do want to keep fighting a never ending argument, please
take it off the list.


---- Original Message ----
Subject: Re: [WSG] Font size, and how large is large enough?
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 12:48:37 +1000 (EST)

>I've looked at these links earlier and my point was *phew* here we go
>Verdana is POPULAR! Most people have that. Arial is probably more
>so that is next in line as a backup. I understand that they are
>fonts, and I also understand that there are fonts that closer
>verdana, but are they as popular as verdana? I dare to say that if
>viewer doesn't have verdana, they won't have these other similar
>either... Maybe they do? But I'm gonna live life on the 'typography'
>so don't try this at home kids :P
>Afterall they are only fonts. I know that comment may offend you but
>have been careful to selelct legible and clear fonts.
>Thanks for your concern, but I'm quite happy how the wesite
>Darian Cabot
>Software Engineer - Website Design
>PS: Ok that was the last post on that thread. I promise! (>_<)
>>> www.cabotconsultants.com.au is fine as a web addy I think.  If
>there is
>>> not 'http://', 'ftp://', or whatever one usually assumes http but
>>> don't need to type it.
>> The small attachment should show the difference. You come here
>> for help. Don't make it harder than necessary for those who wish to
>> you. Most of the time, when someone posting here can't be bothered
>> make the link clickable, I can't be bothered to cut and paste in
>> to visit that URL.
>> If for some reason you don't get the attachment, here is the  U R L
>> http://members.ij.net/mrmazda/images/URLorNOT.png
>>> Now I get to the point.  VERDANA is my preferred font for the
>>> Ok shoot me, flame me, or suggest a million other sites to
>dissagree but
>>> I've tested my site fairly well and even *without* verdana
>>> Everything was fine, so I'm using it.  I understand that you've
>>> obviously
>>> visited one too many font offending sites Felix, but as far as I
>>> tell,
>>> I'm not an offender.
>>> > http://members.ij.net/mrmazda/auth/fonts-face-index.html
>>> > http://members.ij.net/mrmazda/auth/font-comps-pt.html
>>> > http://members.ij.net/mrmazda/auth/font-comps-px.html
>> The  U R L s above were intended in part to show that
>>      body {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}
>> falls short of getting you the you the imposing results you're
>> Assuming you are compelled to impose on any visitor some font other
>> the default the visitor has selected for himself, you might as well
>do a
>> good job of it and make the fallback font one the CLOSELY RESEMBLES
>> primary font. Arial and Helvetica AIN'T that font. There's a font
>> those URL's that is practically a twin to Verdana that is popular
>> systems that don't have Verdana. Can you see which one that is?
>> --
>> "Surely God would not have created such a being as man to exist
>> a day! No, no, man was made for immortality."
>>                                         President Abraham Lincoln
>>  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409
>> Felix Miata  ***  http://members.ij.net/mrmazda/auth/
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David McDonald
Web Designer

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