> www.cabotconsultants.com.au is fine as a web addy I think.  If there is
> not 'http://', 'ftp://', or whatever one usually assumes http but you
> don't need to type it.

The small attachment should show the difference. You come here asking
for help. Don't make it harder than necessary for those who wish to help
you. Most of the time, when someone posting here can't be bothered to
make the link clickable, I can't be bothered to cut and paste in order
to visit that URL.

If for some reason you don't get the attachment, here is the  U R L :
> Now I get to the point.  VERDANA is my preferred font for the website!!!
> Ok shoot me, flame me, or suggest a million other sites to dissagree but
> I've tested my site fairly well and even *without* verdana supported.
> Everything was fine, so I'm using it.  I understand that you've obviously
> visited one too many font offending sites Felix, but as far as I can tell,
> I'm not an offender.
> > http://members.ij.net/mrmazda/auth/fonts-face-index.html
> > http://members.ij.net/mrmazda/auth/font-comps-pt.html
> > http://members.ij.net/mrmazda/auth/font-comps-px.html

The  U R L s above were intended in part to show that

        body {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}

falls short of getting you the you the imposing results you're after.
Assuming you are compelled to impose on any visitor some font other than
the default the visitor has selected for himself, you might as well do a
good job of it and make the fallback font one the CLOSELY RESEMBLES your
primary font. Arial and Helvetica AIN'T that font. There's a font in
those URL's that is practically a twin to Verdana that is popular on
systems that don't have Verdana. Can you see which one that is?
"Surely God would not have created such a being as man to exist only
a day! No, no, man was made for immortality."
                                        President Abraham Lincoln

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://members.ij.net/mrmazda/auth/

<<inline: URLorNOT.png>>

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