Yes but...
movie clips inside a loaded movie are less accessible, both in terms of programming them and accessibility.
There are major issues with the satay method involving streaming.

It is a smart bit of coding, but I'll be sticking with the invalid method (or possibly hixie's if I start feeling guilty)

I have had several of my flash movies break because I have tried the satay method. It is great but should only (in my opinion) be used for simple animations, never for anything complex..


James Ellis wrote:


Yes, but comments are for comments and not code. If we start putting comments in to a script/markup that start to look like code to another piece of software we'll have to stop using comments. Just another piece of Microsoft stupidity to break the distinction between code and comments.

<!-- start navigation -->

What happens if a browser comes along that sees that as code and runs something?

Satay is still the cleanest way to do it - should always attempt to modularise a Flash movie anyway.


Simon Jessey wrote:

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