There are several options.

You can use javascript to write the embed tag so that it passes the validator. You can also use several techniques that will allow you to exclude the embed tag altogether (Flash Satay and others).

I tend to just let the embed tag go as it is. I will validate my site first, then just drop the embed tag in there. If it is the only thing causing a site not to validate, what harm is it really?

Jeremy Flint

Good afternoon all,

I'm trying to design and create all my sites in 2004 using the XHTML and
CSS compliant standards. Although, I have six-plus years of Web and
graphic design experience, the Web standards guidelines and community are
quite new to me.

I've noticed that the <EMBED> tag doesn't comply with XHTML, but won't
display Flash clips in NN, Mozilla, or Firefox if omitted. This poses a
real problem because I use small Flash clips in customer sites as banner
ads, and if I remove the <EMBED> tag then the Flash file won't load, and
there's a hole in my page.

Any suggestions that will help me resolve this problem would be greatly

Many thanks,
Mario S. Cisneros
President, WebNet Design Studios

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