Hi Rimantas,

>Bold assumption. Does that mean that you are absolutely sure that
>any person who might be potentially interested in the content provided
>on your site won't use handheld for browsing?

No, I'm not sure; I just don't care. I have not developed the site for them.

>Once again, does that mean that handheld devices, celular phones and
>all other non desktop browsing stuff does not exist in the real world?

I just don't care. I have not developed the content for them.

>And then what? Complain about old browsers being used by too many people
>to be ignored,  complexity of the CSSx etc?

I'm not complaining. I use of current technology. And my sites will be
accessible to older browsers.

>Once again, does that  mean that handheld devices, celular phones and
>all other non desktop browsing stuff does not exist in the real world?

You're mixing statements.

>Sure you can use whatever you wish to, but statement that current CSS
>is not ready for real world is wrong, IMO.

Look at papers, magazines and websites. Columns, columns and columns. Can
these be easily achieved using current CSS?

>And by the way: xhml1.1 cannot be served as text/html.

No, it can't; it's - to use the cute phrase - tag soup.

>And IE does not support application/xthml+xml.

Yup, silly, eh.

>Why not to stick with HTML4.01 till better times?

Because I need to look to the future.

Mike Pepper
Accessible Web Developer

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Rimantas Liubertas
Sent: 12 May 2004 10:36
Subject: RE: [WSG] Forms, labels & headers

>That's like the 'make your site accessible to handhelds' argument. In the
>real world, nobody is going to access my site with a handheld because it
>contains no relevant data.

Bold assumption. Does that mean that you are absolutely sure that
any person who might be potentially interested in the content provided
on your site won't use handheld for browsing?

>But as Neerav implies, there is the law of diminishing returns, and
>accessibility is about making your site as accessible to as great an
>audience - a real, not imagined or hypothetical audience - as possible.

Once again, does that  mean that handheld devices, celular phones and
all other non desktop browsing stuff does not exist in the real world?

>Use the currently available tools and wait for CSS and browsers to go

And then what? Complain about old browsers being used by too many people
to be ignored,  complexity of the CSSx etc?
But I agree - use tools currently available, not those from last century
Sure you can use whatever you wish to, but statement that current CSS
is not ready for real world is wrong, IMO.

And by the way: xhml1.1 cannot be served as text/html.
And IE does not support application/xthml+xml.
Why not to stick with HTML4.01 till better times?


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