hear hear .. multi-columnnar sites are much easier to do with a single wrap around table and work cross-browser than using a CSS "for the sake of it approach" creating multi column layouts and "faffing about" s=as Mike says

standards are all well and good, and where possible I have no problem with adhering to the letter and spirit of webs standards, but sometimes things like wrap around tables are indispensible.

Neerav Bhatt
Web Development & IT consultancy

Mike Pepper wrote:

I take a pragmatic approach to tables and columnar design: use a single
table with a single row and as many cells as I need (although invariably a
max of 3). Gets rid of all sorts of cross browser problems. I have had a
couple of Gecko purists efforting a table-less design for me just to prove
it can be done. What's the point? They've both since agreed it's far
simpler, involves far less fudging and is far more efficient to use the
single table approach -- especially as I use alternate skinning
incorporating vertical borders: www.seowebsitepromotion.com. This layout
uses two elastic and one fixed width column. Why fixed for column 3? Because
I need to accommodate as much text as possible in the first two columns and
use the right column to display fixed size images, and I need to maintain an
aesthetically satisfactory display at 640, 800 and 1024+ screen resolutions.

CSS isn't up to natural multi-columnar structures without a lot of faffing
around. Once CSS evolves to adopt columns and browsers incorporate the
changes I'll happily use them. Until then it's a matter of commonsense. I
don't need to prove a point, I just make sites standards-compliant and
accessible in as great a range or browsers (including Lynx) as possible.

Mike Pepper
Accessible Web Developer
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
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