This may be completely off topic, but I feel I should rant to you lot as
you all share my views...

I've noticed quite a few kiwis on this list, and that is *awesome*!  It
means more standards based design and development in our fair land...or
so you'd think.

I get _very_ depressed when i see high profile[1] new zealand sites
completely drop the ball[2]...

A few months back (maybe even a year) the NZ government released web
guidelines for all their websites.[3]  Sure, this is meant to apply only
to government sites, but i think every New Zealand web developer should
read this document and try to at least adhere to some of these
guidelines when building websites.  So far I've seen one NZ government
site[4] that bothers to adhere.  (I'm sure their must be more, and I'd
love see them so I can feel a little better about being a web developer
in NZ.)

Am i missing something?  Am i over sensitive?

Much love and respect,

ps - If I didn't love Aotearoa so much I'd move to Australia so i could
work with people who actually care about web standards...(present kiwis
excluded, of course)

    - Inaccessible, slow, Flash, non-standards, table based.

    - I'm speechless.  This is trash and the reason i wrote this email.

    - Brilliant!

    - Probably one of the first to go standards based.

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