Something I've been thinking about: Why do people limit themselves to CSS which IE and handle? Lest I be misunderstood, please allow me to explain.

Most of IE's CSS failings can be simulated with JavaScript, so why not take advantage of it? For the most part, for those who wouldn't see the enhancements wouldn't matter for one of several reasons:

1. If they're using a audio browser, screen reader, or text browser, they won't see the styling anyway, so they're not a problem.

2. NN4.x and older are often fed either unstyled or lightly styled content, so it won't be a loss for them so long as you use proper object detection.

3. For those using a modern browse with JavaScript off it shouldn't matter since presumably their browser would be able to handle the pure CSS.

4. For IE with JavaScript blocked, as long as the page renders respectably, for this small segment does it really matter that they don't have all the bells and whistles?

5. For IE with JavaScript turned off, for the most part they are in the same boat as those with JavaScript blocked, except they're there by choice, so as long as accessibility isn't an issue, they shouldn't matter.

I've seen stats for JavaScript disabled reaching a high of around 8%-12%. Included in these figures are people from all of the above groups, so I suspect that those of the fourth group (IE with JavaScript blocked), the only ones for whom this is even possibly an issue, are few and far between. While they shouldn't be ignored, there's no reason for them to hold us back either. Again, I'm not suggesting serving them a nonfunctional, nor even an unstyled page, but rather a page which is probably comparable to what they're getting now

I know there's a certain degree of revulsion to using JavaScript, but that's because it wasn't used properly. It's a very powerful language, and when combined with the DOM, and used responsibly, it can do many wonderful things.
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