Collin Davis wrote:

Since IE doesn't recognize :hover apart from anchor tags, I only use :hover on anchor tags.

As I have done as well. Though now I'm wondering why not just use an onmouseover, hidden by either conditional comments or conditional compilation, as well?

However, if NN4.x was the predominant browser being used to access our sites, I would definitely design and code in such a way that it would work exactly like I wanted in NN4.x.

An unusual case which should be dealt with in an unusual manner.

My poor attempt at humor, and flashbacks to a fundamental upbringing, and
yes, completely off topic

While I find debating different religions and philosophies enjoyable and interesting, besides being very off topic, It's often not worth the risk of causing offense.

however, making the point that for commercial sites, it's 100% about making money, not about perfect, compliant code. :)

Many is the time that people forfeit greater returns tomorrow for a seemingly quicker return today. In the end they often end up loosing money.

I don't use any IE proprietary code at all,

I didn't suggest that you did, "otherwise you probably wouldn't be a member of this list."
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