I'm wondering if any of you have any tips on creative ways to keep spambots from harvesting email addresses on you page, and still keep then accessable to diabled people and text-browsers. Here's my thoughts

   * You could do something like me[AT]foo[DOT]bar but the problem with
     this is that many none geeks are not familiar with this kind of
     anti-spam thing and may give up trying to contact you when the get
     a bounce back saying (surprise, surprise) me[AT]foo[DOT]bar does
     not exist.
   * You could do something like me<span
     style='display:none'>nospamplease</div>@foo.bar, but this wouldn't
     work for people without basic css support, and goes against some
     basic accessabilty rules.
   * You could use javascript, but then you block non-js users which is
     no better than the above solution
   * You could use an image, but then you have to decide what to put in
     the alt attribute. If you put the address there then you pretty
     much defeat the point of the image because i'm pretty sure most
     (or enough) spambots can't take addresses from alt attributes. If
     you don't, then you break accessability with text-browsers.

Anyone else have any good solutions?
Alan Trick
The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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