Hi all,

I'm going to make a presentation to art students on an introduction to web design and would like some advice (besides how to deal with the butterfiles in the stomach). First the stats:

   Audience: art students who want to create portfolio websites to
   showcase their art work
   Goal: to introduce art students to web design to encourage them to
   learn more
   Teacher's Goal: to encourage the students to take web design classes
   in their same school to learn web design/coding
   Link: Intro to Web Design | http://www.zoblue.com/web-design/index.html

Of course it's still in the works, but this is what I'll be presenting to them and discussing the points as I go. I used S5[1] to create my short presentation.

I'd love feedback. any suggestions? any ideas? I present it tomorrow in the evening.

thanks in advance!

[1] Meyerweb - S5 | http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/s5/

Z u l e m a O r t i z
w e b d e s i g n e r
website : http://zoblue.com/
weblog : http://blog.zoblue.com/
browser : http://getfirefox.com/

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