On 4/11/05 10:39 PM "tee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent this out:

> In my web design site, I do brag about web standards and that I care, but
> when I talk to potential clients (so far only two), I didn't even mention
> it; they didn't ask either even though they have visited my site. To me, web
> standards is something I believe in, but I do not see any benefit when
> approaching potential clients.

My two accounts don't give a rat's *ss about web standards. They want their
product up-front-center and they want to close sales.

On one of my accounts, I've learned this the hard way.

IMO, we use web standards for our convenience and efficiency - doesn't have
anything to do with the clients' needs unless you have clients that somehow
have a 'nut' for web standards. I don't have any currently.

Rick Faaberg

The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
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