Patrick Lauke wrote:
> Maybe I'm missing the point here, but...have we just come full circle?
> If you're already adding IMG to the markup, what's the point of doing
> <h1><img src="/img/helloworld.gif" alt="" />Hello World</h1>
> and applying lots of CSS to hide the text, if a simple
> <h1><img src="/img/helloworld.gif" alt="Hello World" /></h1>
> will do?

You mean even if images are disabled?
That's true with some browsers, but not all. I believe FF and Safari do not
show the alt attribute value at all when images are disabled. And in MSIE,
this value is not displayed in relation to the user's settings regarding

> Another idea behind the IR techniques is the flexibility of defining
> your images in the CSS, so that you can change them easily later by
> simply editing your stylesheet. Your technique hardcodes the images
> in, offering no such benefit (if the image's filename changes, you'll
> have
> to go back to all your HTML pages, rather than just editing your CSS).
> To make it flexible, you could use a dummy placeholder image in the
> <img src="/img/trans.gif" />
> and use CSS background image for the "real" image, but then you may as
> well use any other element (such as a SPAN in...whatever IR technique
> I'm thinking of).

You're too quick to criticize the method ;-)
Read the article and you'll see that's the way I do it already. The last
example, the one I've posted, is only to show the "scalable" part (that
would be rarely needed because of type face).
BTW, what would be the advantage of using a span rather than an img element?
And then using CSS declarations that may have SEO implications or, worst,
create accessibility/usability issues?

> Nice writeup, but this seems like 2 steps back, rather than a step
> forward, unless I'm missing something fundamental here...

I'm not saying it's fundamental, but I was after a fully accessible

 Thierry |

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