It's for a multilanguage site and base language will be English. Everything on the form will be English except the actual input (textarea). Would it hurt anything if I just kept the lang declaration as EN in the header? Or, since the input will be Chinese should it be ZN? Or, do I need to be more specific and delcare lang=ZN on the textarea itself?

I was wondering though...since it's ALL utf-8 it might not be necessary to declare lang=whatever at all?

Out of curiousity, I'm not sure why we need to declare lang and xml:lang since utf-8 (I believe) is all we really need?

On Jun 2, 2005, at 4:21 PM, Ben Ward wrote:

The language in your html element should be the language of the page.
If you have a section of the page (be that a parapraph, form,
anything) which uses a different language then you can add a lang and
xml:lang attribute to that as well. HTML is generally rather good at
doing multi-lingual documents.

I could do this on a page (this is condensed down and is missing some
attributes, but I just want to show the xml:lang/lang behaviour):

<html xml:lang="en-gb">
<!-- the page is in English -->


<form xml:lang="fr">
  <!-- this form is in french -->

<!-- outside of the form, the language is still English -->

The language declaration doesn't restrict the characters you can use
in forms, regardless. So you don't need to add a language attribute to
your sub-elements unless you are explicitly requiring Chinese input.
Obviously if it's an all chinese site then it would make sense to
change the language value in the <html> element itself.

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