On 04/08/05, Paul Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> IE6, Win XP, SP2
> >Strange - it doesn't redirect for me. Are you using PC or MAC? I have tried 
> >IE 6 and IE >5.5 on the PC and in both cases I go to http://www.abc.net.au, 
> >not >http://abc.net.au/default_800.htm

As mentioned earlier in this thread, it's nothing to do with which
browser you use - it's the width of your browser window.  Try resizing
your IE window to more than 990px width and reload.

>From http://www.abc.net.au/homepage/2005/scripts/home.js :

function resizeWindow(width) {
        // window.status = width;
        if (document.location.href.indexOf('default_800.htm') > -1) {
                if (width >= 990) document.location.href = 'default.htm';
        } else {
                if (width < 990) document.location.href = 'default_800.htm';
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