On 10/3/07, Andreas Boehmer [Addictive Media]
> Should every store in the world
> be forced to provide a ramp for wheelchair access? No. Is it logical to do
> so for the large stores that serve thousands of people every day? Yes. But
> just because it is a logical thing to do doesn't mean they should be forced
> to do it. If they don't do it, they lose money. End of story.

If companies were really regulated that way, most of them would not
have wheelchair access. Just look at other countries that don't have
similar laws. People have to be carried up the stairs.

> > > Would anybody go and sue the local grocery store for having an
> > inaccessible
> > > website? No. Because nobody would expect them to spend much time or
> > money or
> > > effort into building a website that works. So where do you draw the
> > line?
> >
> > You draw it at the company that you do reasonably expect to have a
> > website that works.
> You can't treat company's different before the law just because one is
> making more money than the other. Now THAT would be discrimination.

Companies (or, corporations) are not people. They are separate legal
entities and therefore are subject to different treatment. You cannot
compare one legal entity (a corporation) to another (a blind person).
Not even the letter of the law does so.

Companies get treated differently all the time. What might apply to
one company won't apply to the next because one is huge and bordering
on monopoly and the other is small and barely making a dent in its
market. There is no "bill of rights" for companies, just legal
precedents that influence what happens down the line based on what has
been decided in the courts before.

We always complain about people making peanut-gallery comments on the
business blogs when they know nothing about the technology behind
websites. Well, I'm complaining about the people making peanut-gallery
comments on this list who know nothing about business or law. Make the
arguments you want based on your opinions, but don't make things up.

Christian Montoya

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