RalphNader legislatively proved that you cannot "budget" the risks involved in the 70's with the famous Ford Pinto debacle. they forgot to include the bad press or legal challenge when ignoring the rights of the community.

On Oct 04, 2007, at 06:24, Mike at Green-Beast.com wrote:

I really have to wonder just how ignorant Target really is, or was the
decision to implement or act based on a calculated risk. I believe many larger corporations will make some decisions based on the probability of the plan backfiring (or them getting caught) versus the plan's profitability.

An example could be a manufacturer faced with a flaw found in their
production. They might weight the risks, even calculate settlement amounts in advance, then look at recall costs... ultimately taking the low road. Am
I wary of large corporations? Yes, and government too. I founded a
corporation 15 years ago, a small one, but I have had some exposure to some
things that were, well, less than cool I'll say.

Target sort of proved they are in the latter category because they were informed of the problems and the specifics of how to address them, yet they chose not to act. Hindsight may tell them that this was foolish, or maybe they're a really stubborn company. But there may be another possibility. Who
knows, maybe they are members of some business club/group/union whose
members begged them to fight it so a precedent wouldn't be set and thus they
wouldn't have to act themselves. Just speculation, right?

@Steve Olive:
Some people have mentioned converting books into
Braille and audio formats as too difficult. This is wrong
and there are specific exemptions in copyright legislation
that permit this, without the publishers' express permission.

I was the person stating that copies in Braille are made for copyrighted books in the US (for free, so easy), with the copyright holders permission.
Two things you mentioned specifically prompted me to respond:

1) "Audio formats."
    This is true. It's been a couple of years since I've filled out an
application but if I recall seeing Braille and Phonographs Records (if I
recall the terminology). Thanks for reminding me of this.

2) "Without the publishers' express permission"
I recall seeing a checkbox asking me if it was okay that copies in the above mentioned formats be made. Like I said, it's been a couple of years...
is it an automatic conversion that's done with all applicable works

Thanks. Again, sorry to all if this email strays off topic too much.

Mike Cherim

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